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Caltech Y 2020 Science Policy Symposium (SPS)

Resource page

Speaker schedules, materials & bios

Link to review materials

Link to speaker bios

The SPS will have two Zoom sessions at 10am and 12pm PST on December 16 (Wednesday), 17 (Thursday) and 18 (Friday).

Wednesday 10AM - Bill Colglazier, AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy

Wednesday noon - Ben DeAngelo, NOAA Climate Program Office

Thursday 10AM - Michael Ledford, Caltech Lobbyist, Lewis-Burke Associates

Thursday Noon - Rafi Martina, Senior Policy Advisor for Senator Mark Warner (D-Virginia)

Friday 10AM - New Professionals panel with Yi / Pat / Rebecca / Heather

Friday noon - Mike Nelson, Carnegie Endowment's Technology and International Affairs Program

Participant Guidelines and expectations

It is expected that each participant will log on for each session at least 2 minutes early. We will begin promptly at 10 am PST and 12 pm PST each day. We will start each zoom session 15 minutes early and encourage group members to come on and dialogue with us while we wait, but it is not required.

It is expected that participants will have their cameras on and look attentive throughout the sessions. If you need to turn off your camera momentarily from time to time that is fine. If you have concerns about having your camera on please touch base with Greg.

It is expected that participants will be fully present/give full attention to the guest. Side research/searches or chats or conversations, even when relevant, are discouraged. We suggest that you take notes of items on which you are to search about them later.

It is expected that participants will ask questions and engage in dialogue with our guests. Most sessions will be more discussion than presentation.

The Zoom Chat Feature will be used to queue up those with questions or to address technical concerns, not for conversations. When you have a question simply type your name in chat and wait to be called on. If a list develops and your question gets asked before we get to you simply type your name – answered in the chat and we'll move to the next person.

It is expected that participants will mute themselves except when asking a question or engaging in dialogue with a guest.

It is expected that participants will take some time familiarizing themselves with material that is provided by the speakers. The speakers have shared with us resources that they feel would help prepare us for the discussion prior to the sessions. The materials are available here.

It is expected that participants will present themselves in a professional, respectful, and appropriate manner to our guests and each other. Questions and comments, even challenging ones, are expected – dismissive, disrespectful ones are not.